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newBookmarkLockedFalling `` Beta Auditions ||all
Pocket Kitsune 8 938 by Takau
May 4, 2010 14:44:28 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling `` Alpha Auditions ||all
Pocket Kitsune 3 559 by Aspen
Apr 22, 2010 8:18:42 GMT -5


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Unlike some of the other more extreme biomes, Anderung is a place that has all the regularly occurring seasons and yet has somehow not been claimed by a specific pack as home. It is settled close to Farbe, but it's higher altitude gives way to the whole range of seasons, instead of just autumn, as in the Farbe pack lands. Anderung is described by most to be a warm surge of bright, vibrant colors in Dachau while autumn takes a hold on the land. Oranges, reds, browns and golden yellows all coat the trees, shimmery with morning dew. During spring the place is littered with green sprouts, blossoming in the newly arrived sun. Winter isn't as harsh as in some places, but it still takes a large grip on this forest of light tress, making it the ultimate wonderland. Summer is hot but comfortable, living higher up than most areas allows for nice breezes and sometimes large amounts of cloudiness and fog waves. This terrain is very suitable for loners who might have had a bad past or have been banished; here they can live in peace and find some good rest.
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